HVAC Maintenance
R.E.E. Mechanical adheres to the National Standard Practice for the Inspection & Maintenance of Commercial HVAC System (ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180)
Where maintenance is neglected, energy costs rise significantly, and equipment life drops dramatically.
With HVAC&R systems responsible for about 60 percent of site electrical energy use, it's imperative that we provide consistent maintenance and inspection to improve energy efficiency along with thermal comfort and indoor air quality. When systems are not maintained, indoor air quality, occupant comfort and energy efficiency all suffer." Robert Baker, Chair of the committee that wrote the standard.
It’s important to note that about 80% of all service calls we receive could have been avoided with proper maintenance. The small investment in maintenance can save thousands in repairs, equipment downtime and operating costs while also increasing equipment longevity. Our commercial HVAC maintenance plans can be customized for regular maintenance to fit your schedule, systems and budget.
Customizable Solutions